The Wire Branch is planning to sponsor a second online course in January 2021, led by Bill Taylor, looking at music in the Robert ap Huw manuscript. The course will consist of six lessons running from January-April 2021 lasting 90 minutes each, using Zoom.
The music in the Robert ap Huw manuscript contains the earliest harp music from anywhere in Europe. The pieces were composed in the Late Middle Ages, taught aurally for several hundred years, written down in the 16th century and copied by Robert ap Huw himself in the early 17th century. We will learn how to read the tablature, allowing us to interpret both the letters, giving the names of the strings on the harp, and also the signs indicating the figuration. These provide instructions for moving between the strings, using a rigorous damping technique to distinguish between more-important and less-important strings.
We will examine two contrasting pieces: Gosteg yr Halen/Gosteg of the Salt (p. 18-19), and Kaniad Hun Wenllian/Caniad of the Sleep of Gwenllian (p.84-89). Gosteg yr Halen has a very provocative postscript, in Welsh:
terfyn gosteg yr halen yr hvn a fyddid yn i ganu o flaen marchogion arthvr pan roid y salter ar halen ar y bwrdd
'the ending of gosteg of the salt, which used to be played before Arthur’s knights when the salt-cellar with the salt was put upon the table'
As to the origins of Kaniad Hun Wenllian, who was Gwenllian, whose name is found in this beautiful lullaby? There have been a number of ladies with the name Gwenllian in Welsh history. Peter Crossley-Holland, in his book The Composers in the Robert ap Huw Manuscript, proposes three different women who might have inspired this piece.
Both pieces are in the tuning known as Bragod gywair, with the strings tuned to the pitches G – A – Bb – C – D – Eb - F. The range of Gosteg yr Halen requires 23 strings, from c-d. This could either be starting from C below Middle C, or from bass C below the bass staff. The choice is yours, whether you wish to play a large harp or a small harp. The range of Kaniad Hun Wenllian requires 20 strings, from g-e. Again, this could either be starting from G below Middle C, or from bass G, the lowest line of the bass staff. Both gut-strung and wire-strung harps are welcome, but be aware that wire-strung harps will need additional damping not indicated within the notation. Try to grow your fingernails to at least 2mm.
The course is intended for players of mixed ability. For those who have had no introduction to the manuscript, and for those wishing to have a review on the basics of the tablature, Bill will hold a 60-min pre-course introductory session from 10.30-11.30 am on Friday 8th January 2021.
The course will run as a block of six 90-min. sessions, available to Wire Branch members at £100; the non-member price will be £120. This is can be paid by cheque, by the Wire Branch’s Paypal account or directly into the bank account. Non-members may wish to join the Clarsach Society to obtain the member discount. To join, please visit
The session times will be from 10.30am-12 noon UK time on these dates:
[Pre-course introduction 8thJanuary 2021, 10.30am-11.30am]
1) 9th January 2021
2) 30th January 2021
3) 20th February 2021
4) 13th March 2021
5) 3rd April 2021
6) 24th April 2021
All six sessions will be recorded, which will be available to the participants for one month beyond the concluding date. If you are unable to join us for a session you can catch up via the recording.
You can download a free copy of the manuscript from here
Please print pages 18-19 and 84-89. If possible, please have the manuscript available to view on screen, as we refer to various other pages during the sessions.
For those who have not yet done so, please also download and print a free copy of Bill Taylor's booklet Sources for Fingernail Technique from Wales & Ireland
To reserve a place, or more information, please write to Bill Taylor