
Robert ap Huw Courses 2025

The music in the Robert ap Huw manuscript contains the earliest harp music from anywhere in Europe. The pieces were composed in the Late Middle Ages, taught aurally for several hundred years, written down in the 16th century and copied by Robert ap Huw himself in the early 17th century. We will learn how to read the tablature, allowing us to interpret both the letters, giving the names of the strings on the harp, and also the signs indicating the figuration. These provide instructions for moving between the strings, using a rigorous damping technique to distinguish between more-important and less-important strings.

The Wire Branch continues to offer online courses via Zoom with Bill Taylor in playing music from the Robert ap Huw manuscript. As in previous years, these consist of six sessions on Saturdays. The courses accommodate two playing levels, welcoming both players who are new to the manuscript, and intermediate players, who have had some previous experience learning and playing from the tablature.

The six dates for the 2025 course will be 18th January, 15th February, 8th March, 29th March, 26th April, and 17th May.

Elementary Players Course: 13.00-14.30 UK time

New players will start from the beginning, with a firm introduction to the history of the manuscript, as well as a comprehensive overview of reading the tablature and playing the figuration. We’ll start with Kaniad y Gwyn Bibydd/The Song of the White Piper (pp. 36-37), which is an excellent introduction to the larger pieces. We’ll contrast that with two of the shorter pieces, Y Ddigan y Droell/Harmony of the Spindle-whorl (pp. 56-57) and Kaingk Daydd Broffwyd/Cainc of David the Prophet (p. 57). Ideally, a harp with a range from C-g (19 strings) would be best; but adjustments can be made to use smaller harps.

Intermediate Players Course: 10.30am-12 noon UK time

Intermediate-level players will have had some prior tuition in the tablature, will understand how to read the letters of the strings, and will know how to identify the different figures according to the particular icons. It is assumed that intermediate players will not need an introduction to the tablature, although questions are certainly welcome. This course will look at Kaniad Llywelyn Delynior, pp. 97-101, and Kaniad Tro Tant, pp. 67-69. Kaniad Llywelyn Delynior is the last piece in the manuscript, and Peter Crossley-Holland believed it might well have been composed by Llywelyn Ieuan ap y Gof, whose pieces we have played on previous courses. Kaniad Tro Tant is a light piece, and is a nice counterpart to the more emotional Kaniad Llywelyn Delynior. Ideally, a harp with a range from F-g (23 strings) would be best; but adjustments can be made to use smaller harps.

All of the sessions will be recorded as videos, which can be viewed or downloaded until 17th June. If you are unable to join us for a live session you can always catch up via the videos. Students will receive study audio recordings throughout the course to support the material examined during each session. Students are invited, and encouraged, to send recordings to evaluate progress. 

Wire Branch members pay £100; non-members pay £120. Payment can be made via Paypal, bank transfer or cheque. Non-members may wish to join the Wire Branch via the Clarsach Society to obtain the member discount. 

You can download a free copy of the manuscript from lulu.com  (search for 'Roert ap Huw manuscript'). Please also download and print a free copy of Bill’s booklet Sources for Fingernail Technique from Wales & Ireland

To reserve a place, to request an invoice, or to ask any questions, please write to Bill Taylor wirebranch@gmail.com 


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